Current Projects

Interoceptive Awareness
How do fluctuations in subjective awareness of the body relate to affective and emotional experience in the moment? Do individuals differ in the frequency or granularity of their awareness of sensations from the body, and how does this relate to the ways they experience and express emotion? How is subjective awareness related to ongoing changes in physiological activity?

Affective Predictions
How do the ways we *think* we'll feel in the future influence our decisions and behavior in the moment? Who is better able to simulate their future emotions, and is this ability related to other kinds of simulation (e.g., remembering past emotion, predicting others' emotions)?

Emotional Experience
in Daily Life
How do individuals differ in the ways they experience and express emotion throughout daily life and how are these differences linked to decision making and well-being? We are exploring individual differences in the complexity, diversity, specificity, and stability of the emotional experiences people have throughout their daily lives.

Risk and Uncertainty
How do people use their feelings to guide decision making in situations involving risk and uncertainty? We examine this across multiple sources of uncertainty, including social, economic, and perceptual uncertainty. For example, how do our feelings influence who we decide to like or trust, when to take gambles with our money, or what we think someone is holding in the dark?